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We have helped communities with economic development strategic planning. Our services have brought local officials, business leaders, and residents together to put their community on a path toward sustainable economic development. How can we help your community reach its potential?

Community Assessment/Profile – Need a comprehensive description of your community? Our staff will review existing data sources, research reports, and planning documents concerning your community. 

Target Industry Analysis – Need to know what industries are best suited for your community? We can define and identify the industry clusters that thrive in your community. 

Partnership Development – Need to connect community leaders, business leaders, and local stakeholders? Our staff can develop and implement a strategy tailored to your needs that builds a network of innovation, entrepreneurship, and opportunity in your community.  

Economic Development Strategic Plan – Need your community to focus on the big picture? Our economic development strategic planning services do just that. We bring it all together by incorporating our expertise in economic and feasibility analysis and labor market analysis to draw a picture of your community and help you benchmark your progress. 

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